Saturday, 14 September 2013

Leaving the past in the past....A new thing is beginning....

It’s been a while since my last blog….The last few months have certainly brought about a lot of change!

This blog started off documenting my weight loss journey and things in my life have certainly shifted.  Do I still have my goals – yes!  Unfortunately, I’ve had some major limitations still with my back but I’ve been seeing another new chiropractor the last few weeks and I’m finally seeing some more progress.  July and August were tough months – my ribs kept popping out of place making it painful to do anything including breathe – hence another new chiropractor.  Her instructions to me were to stop working out – and I’ve had to force myself to listen. 

Typically, this would pretty much devastate me however its caused me to dig into some places in my heart I haven’t gone before.  I’ve come to some pretty big conclusions as a result.  My priority right now is making sure my heart is healthy (it’s physically healthy, I mean emotionally) and getting to the place where I am pain free. 

Through some recent events the last few weeks I have also discovered that I’m actually alright.  I am fun, outgoing, passionate, energetic, hard working and beautiful and  I really need to stop being so hung up on my weight cause it appears that no one else seems to be hung up on it.  I’ve tried to work on improving my self image pretty much all my life but this month has been pretty big in improving my self image.  People aren’t going to love me anymore than they do when I’m ‘skinny’.  I’ve been obsessing over it without actually realizing it – pretty much my entire life. 

I keep thinking that others will love me more when I like the way I look.  Big problem with that – I need to love me for me – for who God created me to be.  Does that mean I stop being healthy – heck no!  I will focus on getting my body in good working order (pain free, and my insides – both emotionally and chemically – I’ve started seeing a naturopath to help with that) and I will make wise choices – eat healthy and balanced and stay as active as my body will allow.  I will follow the direction of my chiropractor – she’s actually pretty confident she can get me pain free which is the first time a professional has told me that. She will work on getting me pain free and then rebuilding/re-strengthening my body.  This entire discovery has taken a huge weight off my shoulders and I don’t feel quite as intense about things in general.

Something else that has taken a huge weight off my shoulders is the fact that my divorce is official official – like for real.  I received my final papers at the beginning of August and last weekend my 31 days hit which means that my divorce is final.  I am free!  This came a lot sooner than expected – from the date that divorce was filed to the date it was completely finalized was less than 5 months – that’s like unheard of.  It’s brought forth a lot of emotion – obviously but I’m thankful it’s done.  I’m in a better place for sure.  I still have some work ahead of me…I don’t’ know what it’s like to be in a healthy relationship.  I’ve only known something that is unhealthy, abusive, controlling with absolutely no trust or no reason to trust. 

So what does the future hold for this girl….Well I have no idea frankly but here is what I do know.  My heavenly father has watched over me and has kept me safe through all this.  He has been faithful and has redeemed me and situations in my life beyond anything I ever expected.  He has brought people in my life to be there for me, encourage me along the way, help me pick up the pieces and start over, people to speak into my life and mentor me and he’s brought people in my life to help remind me how to have fun and be who He created me to be – I lost the real me for almost 5 years but I’m back and I think I’m actually an improved model of the old me – think of the new iPhone lol. 

A few weeks ago I felt really stuck.  I’ve just been in survival mode really and waiting for things to be finalized so I could close off everything on that chapter of my life.  I talked to my wonderful mom about how I was feeling and she had me to a really great exercise.  She told me to write out my dreams, hopes and Desires.  I hadn’t really thought of any of that in a long time because I was just trying to work through so much and get through what I was going through.  Now it’s time to dream big and start reaching for those dreams.  One of those dreams is to be a wedding/event planner and a few weeks ago I did a wedding and I’m doing my first paid wedding in June and trying to figure out how I can do some more events on the side.  It’s pretty exciting.  I have a few more things I want to do and I’ll slowly work towards those things.

I am hopeful, I am happy, I am free, and I am beautiful just the way that I am.  I’m excited to see what my future holds and see where my journey takes me.  I am going to stop holding onto my past and letting it determine my future.  It’s time to move forward with all life has for me. 

The next month or so I have so much enjoying of life to do – My divorce party (this wasn’t my idea but I might as well celebrate my freedom and new lease on life), baseball tournament, Cuba with my bestie, Wine tour with my girls for our 30th birthday…this is not a life of someone who wallows in their pain – this is the life of someone who has so much joy, reason for living and someone who has peace. 

I hope that one day I will be able to share with young girls my journey and help them work through some of the issues I’ve had to work through (and am still working through).  There has been so much pain as a result of a lot of my own choices and the choices that others have made that have affected me and if I can use that pain and the joy that has come out of the sorrow to help some others get through things sooner than I did so they can live life to the fullest.

A special thanks to all those in my life who have been there by my side through everything and who are still there.  I am beyond grateful for all the support, love and care I’ve had.  God has truly blessed me beyond words!

That’s it for now…stay tuned for what the future holds

I’ve included some pictures of some of the fun I’ve had the last few months