Monday, 16 June 2014

Vote for Sarah Taylor - Miss Plus Canada's People's Choice Award

In just 2 weeks on Monday, June 30th, I will be competing as a contestant in the Miss Plus Canada 2014 Pageant in Toronto. It has been a really exciting opportunity and we’ve been rehearsing for a fabulous night! 

One of the awards that will be presented on the night of the pageant is The People’s Choice. Could you please take a minute of time to vote for me as the People’s Choice EVERYDAY FROM NOW UNTIL JUNE 29TH AT MIDNIGHT? It’s really easy!

1. Visit this link
2. Look for my picture
3. Select the little bubble to the left of my photo
4. Click submit
5. Share on your Facebook wall and if you feel so inclined, as your Facebook friends to vote for me too

Here is a little bit about me (my bio):

"Sarah loves to dream and Plus size modeling was a part of that dream.  As a new fresh face to the industry, Sarah’s passion is to help women see their true beauty regardless of the number on the scale – this is what drives her.  Sarah’s story of beauty for ashes is at the core of her passion for helping women excel and see their beauty within.

Giving back is important for Sarah because in her darkest hour, the love and support from those around her helped her to see her true worth and push her forward.

Sarah lives in Brooklin, Ontario and currently works in the nonprofit industry helping charities with their strategy and implementation plans for their online fundraising portfolios. She also volunteers at WINGS Maternity Home in Ajax as the Executive Assistant, Event, Fundraising Manger and mentor.

Although Sarah models clothes, her heart’s desire is to be clothed with strength and dignity and ready to take on life with zeal, passion, drive, excitement and no fear of the future"

If you would like to attend the event, here are the details:
Date: Monday, June 30th, 2014
Doors Open @ 7pm at the Fairview Library Theatre (35 Fairview Mall Dr.)
(the next day is Canada Day – aka a holiday work lol)
Tickets are only $25

For more details or to purchase your tickets online check out the - I also have tickets available for purchase (cash or etransfer)
(if you purchase tickets online let me know so I can flag you as my guests)

Follow the pageant on Social Media

My Social Media

My platform is WINGS Maternity Home where I volunteer as the Executive Assistant, Event & Fundraising Manager and Life Coach/Mentor to the girls in the home and the community mom’s WINGS Support. Please feel free to check out their website: . It is going to be an exciting summer at WINGS as we are expanding and moving to a new location in Oshawa – stay tuned on how you can help us as we grow.

I will be posting updates to my Facebook event as the night approaches and if I win any of the awards or am crowned queen -

Thanks so much in advance!

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


This is a spur of the moment blog post – I had not intended for this one.

But…..this week I’ve had a few people tell me that they’re in a really tough spot.  Whether it’s dealing with some emotional pain or whether it’s not knowing what steps to take next or being in the middle of what seems like chaos or disaster.  I myself have had some struggles this week so I just thought I’d share a word I got about 2 years ago….

Here’s the situation…..

It had been a several months since my ex-husband had left.  He was still playing games and being ridiculous and I still didn't’ see it.  I was so hurt, I felt abandoned, I was in pain….I really didn’t know what to do.  But I had like 4 people in 4 days give me the scripture verse, Psalm 46:10 which says this:

10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God;
    I will be exalted among the nations,
    I will be exalted in the earth.”

Now the part for me that was told over and over was the first part – Be still, and know that I am God.

But….I didn’t know what that meant.  Go figure….the girl who was always busy filling every moment of every day didn’t know what ‘Be Still’ meant.  But I didn’t….so I legit googled it.  I thought maybe I could find a book on it, or maybe find some instructions online.  But, nope, there was nothing….so I tried this whole being still thing or what I thought it at least meant - I think I'm still learning it actually. 

And then…a couple weeks later I was reading a book called ‘Breakthrough Prayer’ by Jim Cymbala I was on the train on my way into work….and something jumped out at me from the page. 

(Warning: I’m about to paraphrase a lot here – I’m just gonna give a synopsis)

In Exodus 14 the Egyptians were chasing the Israelites.  The Egyptians were petrified and questioning Moses and Moses says this to the people:

 “Do not be afraid. Stand firm {confident and undismayed} and you will see the deliverance the Lord will bring you today. The Egyptians you see today you will never see again. 14 The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” Vs 13-14

Then you know what happened, God did the unthinkable – He parted the Red Sea. Combined with the faith that Moses had to listen to God’s instruction to lift up his staff. 

Like seriously, come on, could you imagine that!?!?!

But there you have it – my world was rocked….and you know what happened to me, later that day…. My now ex-husband sent me a text asking to meet to get our marriage certificate so he could file for divorce.

Well, apparently God was at work that whole time and I didn’t realize it.  But you know what – because God had given me that word to hold onto that morning, it didn’t stress me out.  I was actually at peace.  I knew without a shadow of a doubt, my God had me and I wasn’t going to have to do the fighting, he would do it on my behalf and all I had to do….was….you got it….BE STILL!!!!

I am not an advocate of divorce by any means but I was in an abusive situation with an unfaithful man and needed out.  And the last few years, as this blog attests to has been a process of healing, restoration, ignition of new and old dreams, desires and purpose. 

Anyways, I just felt like I needed to share this message.  This has been the biggest portion of my journey the last 2 ½ years and I’m still learning this lesson but am enjoying resting in HIS arms and letting HIM take care of me.  I have it as a constant reminder in my room, above my bed, where I’m meant to rest – see, check it out.

Be encouraged that even if things are dark right now, HE’s got you right in the palm of His hands, so rest in them and ask him to take care of you and help you fix whatever mess you’re in the midst of.  Follow his direction as he guides and he will not leave you nor forsake you.  After all, he loved you so much that he gave his only son for you as a sacrifice. 
